What I Use: Materials & Media

I’m often asked about what I’m using to create and what I’d recommend, so here’s a quick overview of my current material.

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I’m currently using the Canson ‘Moulin Du Roy’ 300gsm Watercolour Paper (click here to read my review), and I’ve been using it continuously for months. It not only absorbs paint beautifully, but also respects the vibrancy and richness of each individual colour.


For brushes, I’m currently using a Pro Arte 3/0 Synthetic Brush, mainly because it’s a cheap version of what I need and it’s easy for me to buy off Amazon. This size (3/0) is perfect for detail work, but I generally use it for everything except watercolour backgrounds. That being said, I am on the market for a better brush which retains its sharp fine point so Winsor & Newton Sable Watercolour Brush ‘Series 7’ (Size 1) is next on my list.


Onto paints, at the moment I’m using either the Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour range, or the Winsor & Newton Designer Gouache series, depending on what I’m working on.

If I’m using gold, it’s usually Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolour in ‘Gold (090)’ – otherwise it’s genuine shell gold, available from Cornelissen and other art stores.


Those are the main materials I use for my artwork. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me via my social media, and I’ll be happy to respond: Instagram / Twitter.